In a tragic turn of events, seven members of the beloved Nelons gospel family have lost in a fatal plane crash. The accident occurred as the family was traveling to a concert, leaving fans and the gospel community in shock and mourning.
The crash claimed the lives of Jason and Kelly Nelon Clark, their daughter Amber, son-in-law Nathan Kistler, family worker Melanie Hodges, and the pilot Larry Haynie along with his wife Melissa. Their loss is deeply felt across the nation.
Autumn Nelon Streetman, the only surviving member of the family, shared a heartfelt statement expressing her profound grief while also thanking everyone for their prayers and support during this heartbreaking time. Her words have brought comfort to many, reflecting the family's enduring faith and resilience.
Details of the crash and its investigation are still unfolding, but the Nelons’ legacy as icons of gospel music will live on in the hearts of their fans. They have left behind a lasting imprint through their powerful voices and dedication to spreading hope and faith through their music.