Debbie Nelson, the mother of renowned rapper Eminem, passed away on December 2, 2024, at the age of 69, following a battle with advanced lung cancer. Her illness was publicly disclosed in September, revealing that she had limited time left.
Born in 1955, Nelson became a mother at 18, giving birth to Marshall Bruce Mathers III, known professionally as Eminem. Their relationship was notably tumultuous, often reflected in Eminem's lyrics. In 1999, Nelson filed a defamation lawsuit against her son over claims made in his debut album, "The Slim Shady LP," alleging she used drugs. The lawsuit sought $11 million but resulted in a $25,000 settlement, with Nelson receiving less than $2,000 after legal fees.
Despite their strained relationship, Nelson expressed pride in her son's achievements. In 2022, she publicly congratulated Eminem on his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, stating, "I love you very much. I knew you'd get there. It's been a long ride. I'm very, very proud of you."
Eminem, 52, has not publicly commented on his mother's passing. Reports indicate that while he provided financial support during her illness, they had not spoken for years.
Debbie Nelson is survived by her two sons, Eminem and Nathan, and six grandchildren. The Sun