In a recent episode of Wheel of Fortune, contestant Megan Carvale faced a challenging bonus round puzzle under the category "Living Thing." The puzzle displayed as "P_N_ RC _ D," and Megan had 10 seconds to solve it. During this time, she made several attempts, including guesses that sounded like "pony orchid" and "something orchid." Unfortunately, she did not arrive at the correct answer, "pink orchid," before time expired. As a result, she missed out on an additional $40,000 prize.
Following the episode, viewers took to social media, with some asserting that Megan had indeed said "pink orchid" during her guessing period and deserved the prize. However, in an interview with Good Morning America, Megan clarified the situation:
"You know, I wish I said 'pink' because I would have been $40,000 richer. But I said 'something.'"
She also shared that her son, who attended the taping, reminded her of the missed opportunity:
"The whole way home, [he said], 'Mom, I can't believe you didn't get pink.' That word has already been haunting me, and now all of America believes that I said it, but I didn't."
Despite the controversy, Megan concluded her appearance with $14,007 in winnings and a trip to Aruba.
This incident highlights the challenges contestants face under pressure and the importance of clear communication during game shows.