
WATCH: Bongino Dons Face Paint In Support Of Young Chiefs Fan Smeared By Media

Former Fox News personality and conservative commentator Dan Bongino opened his Thursday program by standing in support of and solidarity with the young Chiefs fan who was viciously attacked by the media for wearing “blackface,” which turned out to just be red and black face paint…the colors for the Chiefs.
Bongino made it clear that his face paint was meant to be an obvious and firm rejection of the sort of cancel culture used by many in the mainstream to silence their opponents and terrify people into compliance with a certain set of generally politically liberal values. Making that point and describing the reason for the red and black face paint, Bongino said, “So folks, sometimes you just got to give the double-barreled middle finger and tell cancel culture portions of liberal leftist socialist communist America.” While making that statement, he directed his middle finger toward the camera. Continuing, Bongino kept the anti-mainstream media and anti-cancel culture tirade going, saying, “You can take cancel culture in a nice ball. You can roll it up just like this big or small, I don’t really care. You can take it and you can stick it right up your ass!” Then Bongino called on others to join him in donning the culture war warpaint, saying, “These are this is dedicated to the Karen’s of the world like Karen Phillips. No offense because people named Karen again. My name is Dan. But I’m not taking the cancel culture bullshit anymore. And I suggest you don’t either. I suggest everybody show up at every NFL game this weekend college game as well. And paint your face just like I did.” Watch Bongino here: Bongino wasn’t done there. Explaining to his fans how easy it is to get the face paint on, Bongino said, “Paul and I learned it took about 10 minutes. You take a little clump of face paint. You put it on your face, you paint one side you paint the other side.” Concluding his anti-cancel culture remarks, Bongino said, “But this is your way to tell cancel culture, stick it up your ass. Karen Phillips is dedicated to you and Holden Armenta, sweet young kid who did the right thing, not the easy thing representing his team. Stand strong brother. We’re all with you. Paint your face to show these cancel culture assholes. We really don’t care Joseph, Carolina to do that. I don’t know why Karen did that. But I know why I did this. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.”