
My husband convinced me to get pregnant. I had the baby, got laid off, and left him — I'm happy with all of my decisions.

 For nearly a decade, my husband and I reveled in a fulfilling life. Despite not being affluent, we always managed and enjoyed countless good times together. Our story began when we crossed paths during his working holiday in New Zealand, my homeland. The connection was immediate, and within three months, we were living together, engaged, and envisioning a bright future. Those early days were filled with sunshine and laughter.

From the start, we agreed that having children wasn't in our plans. It suited me well, as I had never aspired to motherhood. Instead, our philosophy was to savor every moment, celebrating life through shared experiences, fine dining, beach outings, and pursuing our hobbies. We invested in an old house, adopted a couple of cats, and tied the knot. Our bond thrived on carefree enjoyment.

However, life took an unexpected turn. At 37, my aspirations of running a successful business, maintaining a happy marriage, and indulging in travel were replaced by the stark reality of single motherhood to a two-year-old. I found myself divorced, unemployed, and back in my childhood home, struggling to make ends meet. Financial constraints forced me to allow strangers to reside in the house we once owned because I couldn't cover utilities or the mortgage.

The drastic shift in my life trajectory stemmed from my ex-husband's desire to have a child. Despite sensing it was ill-timed given the strain on our marriage, I acquiesced to fulfill his heartfelt wish. As someone always open to new challenges and learning experiences, I approached motherhood with optimism.

At the time, I was thriving in a fulfilling job with exceptional perks, while he toiled on the night shift in a factory, discontent with the future he envisioned. His descent into darkness and depression led him to believe that a baby would bring him happiness. Eventually, I agreed to embark on the journey of parenthood.

Our daughter's arrival, marked by silent reflux, brought about challenging times. For nearly five months, caring for her consumed my every waking moment. Sleep became a rare commodity. Struggling to cope, my ex-husband became bitter and neglectful, exacerbating the strain on our relationship. Prioritizing our child's safety and happiness, I asked him to leave when she was eight months old, and he returned to the US. I bought out his share of our home.

Despite working diligently and earning promotions, I found myself caught in a mass layoff a few months later. In just over a year, I transitioned into motherhood, ended my marriage, and lost my dream job, with my income plummeting from $50,000 to a government benefit barely covering the mortgage.

To make ends meet, I allowed an immigrant family to live in our former home, contributing to utilities while my daughter and I shared a room in my childhood residence. Rather than placing her in care and seeking new employment, I adapted to the circumstances, reduced expenses, and embraced a multigenerational family dynamic.

Surprisingly, I find myself content and fulfilled. Motherhood shifted my priorities, emphasizing the importance of being a stable, loving, and attentive caregiver. This perspective proved invaluable as my daughter thrived, achieving toilet training, advanced language skills, familiarity with the alphabet, and the ability to count into double digits by the age of two. Despite the challenges, her growth fills me with pride, and the experience has rekindled connections with my family.

Through adversity, I've learned that fostering a strong, safe, and loving relationship with our children is paramount. Being present and engaged is irreplaceable, and while starting a business remains a future possibility, time spent with my daughter is priceless. Thus, I approach each day with gratitude, joyfully embracing the unique journey life has taken me on.