
People Who Prefer to be Alone Have These 7 Qualities in their Personality

They say that all people are different, we look for different things, we have different tastes, different feelings, some people seek to be alone at home and have a cup of coffee, while others prefer to attend music festivals and surround themselves with many people. Not all people have the same taste.

Although on many occasions people seem strange because of the simple fact of wanting to spend time alone with others, the truth is that there are many qualities.

1. They are people who are open to new ideas

 Many times we judge others without knowing, people who like to spend time alone appreciate the moments that pass in silence, many times this can mean that they are creating new ideas and that they are immersed in a new and exciting world.

2. They feel good with their own thoughts.

It is common that sometimes we sit uncomfortable with our own thoughts. Unlike most people who spend time alone show clear thinking and don't feel uncomfortable with their inner thoughts.  

3. They know how to mark the limits.

Because they spend a lot of time alone, they have the opportunity to think about what motivates them, what they really need, how to communicate with others. They will discover that they have strong and healthy limits.  

4. People who like to spend time alone are very loyal.

In many occasions this type of people doesn't frequent social places spending time with a large number of friends, they prefer to look for reliable people with whom they feel comfortable and can share their intimate life. When you meet someone who likes to spend time alone, I assure you that he will be a loyal person who will be with you in good times and bad.  

5. They are plain-minded.

They are quiet people who spend a lot of time contemplating and navigating in situations or problems, which shows what they really are and what they want. They have a great sense of self-confidence, which shows what they really are. These people prefer to spend some time alone in the same way to distract themselves when they feel that the world is coming to them.

6. They know how to value their time as well as that of others.

When a person spends a lot of time alone they understand its value. For them, the most important thing is the availability of time both yours and that of others. They try to make sure that they don't waste time on people. We all know a lonely person with great qualities, even we can be that person with different approaches to life, that is why we should respect the domes for the fact of being different.  

7. They are people with a very high IQ   

Smart people enjoy their solitude, others fill it with anything They are usually very intelligent and analytical people.

This Turtle Carries a "World" in its Shell and its History is Worth Reading

The world is full of fantastic creatures that are hard to believe in their existence and we can only see them in movies, that's why we are amazed when we know about some of them which are really rare, a clear example is this incredible turtle that takes on its shell a layer of earth, even some think it could be the turtle that held the world as thought by the ancient cosmologists.
The photograph was taken by the professor of psychology at Franklin & Marshall College (Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA), Timothy Roth .
According to some experts, it is a snapping turtle ('Chelydra serpentine'), a species that has been researched and followed with radio transmitters by Task Force Turtle biologists for decades.

The biology professor at Washington College, Aaron R. Krochmal, was one of the initiators of the Task Force Turtle project. During his investigation, he explained that the turtle had surfaced after being two weeks plunged under the muddy ground of a lake that had dried.
Krochmal explained:
"We were not sure that the turtle was still holding the transmitter."
Most of the turtles had moved due to winter. This turtle buried in the depths without having any idea that would emerge. They imagined that maybe he had forgotten his winter guard and that he had lost the transmitter. Without having imagined the turtle emerged from the mud and began to walk.
Krochmal, also explained that the turtle has a weight of 6 kilograms and the incredible world that takes in its carapace measures 25 centimeters of thickness and weighs 8 kilograms. His large shell didn’t prevent him from walking to his place of hibernation.
These species follow the same path every year, from the place where they live in summer to the place where they shelter to wait for the cold to pass. Krochmal explained the following: "We think it's amazing that these animals use the same holes in the mud and return each year to the same place in the same hole, it's really incredible"
It is still a mystery about how turtles can survive underground for months without having to climb to the surface to get air. One theory explains that during hibernation these reptiles decrease their metabolism by which they breathe through the mouth and cloaca.
What do you think about this? Have you seen this turtle before carrying a small world in its shell?

Women Need More Sleep Than Men Because Their Brains Work More

The specialists recommend an average of 8 hours of sleep, which can vary according to the needs of each person's body. However, according to sleep neuroscientist Jim Horne, a professor at Loughborough University in England, the brains of women are more complex and therefore require a little longer rest. According to the specialist, a poor quality sleep among women is strongly associated with high levels of psychological suffering and more hostility, depression and anger, feelings that were not recognized by men with lack of sleep.

Women's brains work more

But after all: What makes women's brains more complex than men's brains? In comparison with them, women use the brain more intensely when they are multitasking individuals. This means that women's brains take longer to recover, somehow a good night sleep provides better than any other activity. Do you agree with this information? Share your opinion with us.

The Health Secrets Of The Hunza People Who Live Over 100 Years And Are Cancer-Free

Cheerful, healthy and full of life, it seems as if the people of Hunza Valley belong to another planet. They eat fresh apricots, breathe the mountainous air, look youthful and they hardly ever get sick. People are often surprised when they learn that the citizens of Hunza (also known as Burusho people) usually live up to the age 120. They can easily conceive even after 60 years and it is very rare for them to get tumors. How is that possible? How do they stay healthy? What are their secrets? Let’s find out whether these are legitimate facts or merely myths.

1. Life expectancy of an average Hunza is 120 years.

Life expectancy of an average Pakistani is 67 years. While in Hunza, being 100 years old doesn’t make you an elderly person. Even at 100, they are surprisingly strong and sturdy. The saying ‘you are what you eat’ is the secret behind it. Rather than living to eat, they eat to live. They have two meals a day; a rich breakfast in the morning followed by dinner after sunset. Moreover, they only eat natural food products such as fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, and cheese. There are no chemicals or additives in their meals.

2. It is very common for Hunzas to have children after the age of 60.

It might sound shocking to you, but Hunzas can readily conceive even between the ages of 60 and 90. Again, the secret to their youth is their exceptional diet and physical activity.

3. Hunzas don’t stress over little things. They are always smiling.

Tension, stress, and conflicting thoughts are unknown to Hunzas. They are completely free of stress-related diseases as they have made themselves fully immune to self-doubt and failures. It won’t be wrong to say that they lead lives like children. Content with their lives, the people of Hunza live in the moment.

4. Did you know that the people of Hunza are descendants of Alexander the Great? Yes, they could very well be Greek!

According to Burusho legend, people of Hunza descend from Baltir, the village that was founded when the army of Alexander the Great left behind sick soldiers in the valley as they could not keep up.

5. There is no such thing as cancer in Hunza.

According to research, apricots of Hunza Valley are said to be the key behind the absence of tumors. Hunzas eat large amounts of the fruit which is rich in Amygdalin (vitamin B-17). Amygdalin is widely known for its anticancer properties.

6. The people of Hunza are not lazy. They are active and fast!

From dawn to dusk, the villagers work hard. Rather than watching movies and going on long drives, their idea of fun is to walk and indulge in sporty activities.

7. For two to four months, they don’t consume anything except for juice extracted from dried apricots.

Once a year for a period of two to four months, Hunzas take a break from their regular diet and solely live on the juice of dried apricots. It is an old tradition that they still follow during the time when apricots are unripe. Scientists agree that it contributes to their amazing health.

8. Drinking and bathing in the glacier water is the secret to their gorgeous skin!

Hunzas only drink and bathe in the pure glacier water that comes directly from the mountains. Their most famous ‘not-so-secret’ drink is an herbal tea that is made from boiled glacier water and a herb known as Tumuru. The glacier water and herbs are the reason they have such glowing skin. And lastly, Share this article with your friends !!
Credits: shughal, Images/Dawn

6 secrets about raising a good child, according to Harvard experts

Undoubtedly, for most parents it's important to rise good childrens prior to becoming respectable and admirable adults. But, in order to make our children exemplary children, we must first start with us, since for the children, the parents are their example to follow.

Below, we will show you the 6 amazing secrets on how to raise a good child thanks to the recommendations of the Harvard experts.

What you need to do to make your children good children

Teach your child to control their emotions:

Sadness, anger and disappointment can affect children and adults alike. Therefore, it is important to teach our children to deal with negative emotions. When your child is in a calm state you should teach him the following trick: Ask him to inhale deeply through his nose and exhale slowly through his mouth while he counts up to five.

Talk with your child about taking responsibility for their actions:

Remember that for the children, mom and dad are the role models, so you should talk with your child about morality, as well as mutual help and the importance of caring for the world around us. Do not forget to explain the meaning of taking responsibility that comes with an action.

Teach your child to be compassionate and help the weak:

It is essential that your child has the ability to feel compassion not only for his family and friends, but also for those who need help. A good option is to question how he would feel if he were the new kid at school (the situation you pose will be your decision). This will make you think a lot about what you want them to understand.

Teach your child to be grateful:

It is important that your child knows how to recognize when he is grateful to someone, so you can start by asking him to hug and tell his grandmother about the delicious food he prepared.

Teach your child what constitutes good behavior and instill your family values:

The vast majority of parents give great importance to the success of their children in school or in a sport, so it would also be great if they gave the same importance to ethical behavior.

Spend more time with your child:

You must build a relationship of trust with your child, so you can play with him, walk together, watch movies, read, travel, etc. Dedicating the necessary time to your child will help him to become an honest and kind person, as well as respectful and supportive.

The existence of the only insect that provides food to human beings is endangered.

The Earth Watch Institute has just declared bees as the most valuable species in the world in the last debate of the Royal Geographical Society of London.

It's well-known that bees provide us with various irreplaceable benefits. But we should stop thinking only about the benefits it brings to our health but to value its most extensive function in the natural chain that is pollination, without which life on the planet would definitely be impossible; the bee is the only insect that provides food to human beings.
Bees and biodiversity

Biodiversity is the process of interaction between living beings and the planet, the relationship between them, and of course, the biological response of the environment to species. In this process the bee has a vital function since the world agriculture depends on 70% of these insects, said more clearly 70 of every 100 products that we use to feed depend exclusively on the bees. The balance is self-explanatory: Without pollination plants could not reproduce and without plants the fauna would also disappear and, consequently, humans.

Theories that explain his disappearance
One of the hypotheses that explains the massive disappearance of bees is mobile telephony. This definitive conclusion was affirmed by the Federal Institute of Technology of Switzerland,  after proving that the waves emitted during a conversation are capable of disorienting them to the point of death, losing their sense of direction and thus their life dynamics.

Through more than 83 experiments researcher and biologist Daniel Favre  demonstrated that in the presence of cellular communication the bees produce a noise ten times greater than usual and this behavior is what they use to warn the group that it's urgent to leave the hive causing the CCD phenomenon or "colony collapse problem". The other, of course, is the use of pesticides in crop spraying. These products contain chemicals that act like neutoxins and adhere to insects when collecting flowers.

Then,  they pull them to the hives where they contaminate the rest of the products they process in common, such as wax, propolis and various honey with the fatal consequence of affecting the rest of the honeycomb including the queen bee without which the hive inevitably disappears. Also when these massive migrations occur, the young insects are abandoned and logically they also disappear.

It's very difficult for the scientific community to propose solutions that can be achieved. The technological infrastructure and the current mentality would make it very difficult for people to give up living without the use of telecommunication towers or radio frequencies, as well as to abandon the use of sprays, even at the domestic level, for which a delayed reaction is feared.  

The international organization Greenpeace proposes the following urgent measures:
  • Research and monitoring of bee health.
  • Immediately ban the use of toxic pesticides.
  • Promote natural agricultural alternatives.
  • Create a system of protected areas free of telecommunications.
Much reason attends Dr. David Susuki when declaring:

Daily news documents the slightest drop or rise of the stock market or the auction industry. However, we deliberately ignore the balance of the services provided by nature, such as the absorption of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen; protection against erosion and pollination of fruits and seeds, and without pollination all economic systems would collapse. A world without bees would be a world without people . "